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Types of Destiny and Examples that We Should Know

Types of Destiny and Examples that We Should Know

Types of Destiny and Examples – When discussing destiny, it refers to something that must happen in human life. Fate can be the smallest thing, for example meeting someone on the street.

In Islam, destiny is divided into two types, namely qada and qadar. Believing in the existence of destiny is one of the pillars of faith. A good Muslim must have faith and believe in the destiny that occurs in his life, whether it is good destiny or bad destiny.

Death, birth, fortune, fate, and soul mate have all been predetermined in the line of human destiny and are not known by anyone, except Allah SWT. Therefore, because we do not have knowledge about the destiny of life, we should compete to become a Muslim who obeys Allah SWT.

Then, how to explain these kinds of destiny and examples in everyday life?

Come on, take a look at the following review!

Qada’ and Qadar

Qada’ means decree, order, certainty and will. In this case, qada’ can be interpreted as Allah SWT’s decree for each of His creatures since the time of eternity (since humans were created), including good and bad fate, up to how humans live and die. So it can be said that what will, is, and has happened in human life has actually been outlined by Allah SWT.

Meanwhile, Qadar has the meaning of rule and measure. In this case, then Qadar is the embodiment of Qadar for everything related to His creatures in accordance with the will of Allah SWT. This destiny is often referred to as the destiny of Allah SWT and applies to all living beings.

The existence of Qada’ and Qadar has been written in Lauhul Mahfuzh or a preserved blackboard. In relation to Qada’ and Qadar, it turns out that it has been written in the Al-Quran and hadith, namely:

  • Dalam QS Al-Qamar verse 49:


“Indeed, We created everything according to measure.” (QS Al-Qamar: 49)

  • In QS Al-Ahzab verse 38:

God’s command was decreed and decreed

” …And God’s decree is a decree that is sure to happen. ” [Al-Ahzab/33:38]

  • In QS. Al-Hijr verse 21:

And there is nothing but with Us its treasures, and We do not send it down except in a known measure.

” …And there is nothing but with Us its treasure, and We have not sent it down except in a certain measure .” [Al-Hijr/15 : 21]

  • In QS. Al-Mursalaat verse 22-23:

To a known destiny, so We have determined, for how excellent are those who are capable.

” Until the appointed time, then We determine (its form), then We are the best who determine. ” [Al-Mursalaat/77 : 22-23]

  • In QS. Al-Anfaal verse 42:

So that God may accomplish a matter that was already being done.

” … (Allah brought the two forces together) so that He could do something that must be done… ” [Al-Anfaal/8: 42]

  • In the Hadith of Jibril Alaihissalam

And you believe in destiny, its good and its evil.

“…And you believe in destiny, both good and bad…”

This hadith is based on the words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW regarding the existence of Qadar.

  • In the Hadith History of the Sahih Book From Thawus

Muslim narrated in the book Sahih from Thawus, he said, “I know a number of people from the Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam who said, ‘Everything is determined by fate.’ He continued, “And I heard ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar say, ‘ Everything is by fate, up to weakness and intelligence, or intelligence and weakness.

  • The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:

And if something happens to you, do not say: If only I had done, such-and-such would have happened, but say: God decreed, and whatever He willed, He did.

“…If something happens to you, then do not say, ‘If I had done it, it would have been so and so.’ But say, ‘ It has been God’s decree, and what He wills must happen… ‘”

Concept of Destiny

In fact, destiny is the same as qada’ and qadar, namely something unseen and all humans on this earth are unable to know the destiny of their lives. Although it turns out, there are some destinies that can be changed with the efforts of humans themselves. For example, a life of poverty can be changed by working hard so your destiny can change.

There are often wise words related to destiny, namely “The task of man is to try as hard and as best as possible, for the results, leave it to Allah SWT”. Well, those wise words turned out to be true as they are which indirectly insists people to work on qada’ so that they can become their destiny.

Level of Fate

A destiny has four levels, of course all four of which must be believed by humans as His creatures. These levels are:

1. Al-Ilmu (Knowledge)

In the first level, namely Al-Ilmu or knowledge, is when a person must believe that Allah SWT knows everything, up to every detail. He knows what has happened in the heavens and the earth, including His own actions or the actions of His creatures. Therefore, everything is known to Allah SWT, even if you cover it up tightly.

This is also expressed in the holy book Al-Quran in surah Al-An’am verse 59.

Which mean:

” And with God are the keys of all the unseen; no one knows it but He Himself, and He knows what is on the land and in the sea, and not a leaf falls but He knows it, and not a grain falls in the darkness of the earth, and not anything wet or dry, but written in a real book. ” (QS. Al-An’am: 59).

2. Al-Kitabah (Writing)

The second level is Al-Kitabah or writing. In this case, people should believe and believe that Allah SWT has written down all the decrees of things that happen in the whole universe in Lauhul Mahfuzh.

This is expressed as in the Al-Quran surah Al-Hajj verse 70, namely:

Which mean:

” Do you not know that Allah knows everything in the heavens and the earth? That this is found in a book. Indeed, this is very easy for Allah. ” (QS. Al-Hajj:70)

3. Al-Masyi’ah (Will)

The third level is Al-Masyi’ah or will. The will of Allah SWT is general, so that nothing in heaven or on earth happens without His will and desire. This is also expressed as in Al-Quran surah Yasin verse 82.

Which mean:

“Verily His state when He wills something is only to say to it: “Be!” so it happened” (QS. Yasin: 82)

4. Al-Khalqu (Creation)

The final level of destiny is Al-Khalqu or creation. In this case, humans must believe and believe that Allah SWT is the one who created everything throughout this universe, even up to the death of the lives of His creatures.

This is also expressed in the Al-Quran surah Az-Zumar verse 2.

Which mean:

“Indeed We sent down to you the Book with the truth. So worship God by purifying obedience to Him.” (QS. Az Zumar: 2).

Various Kinds of Destiny

Based on Fate

1. At-Taqdiirul ‘Aam (General destiny)

This destiny of Allah applies to all of nature because He is the All-Knowing, All-Willing, and All-Creating. This is shown in the surah of the Koran, namely:

Do you not know that God knows what is in the heaven and the earth? Indeed, that is in a Book. Indeed, this is easy for God.

It means:

“Don’t you know that Allah knows all that is in the heavens and on the earth? That such is found in a book (Lauh Mahfuzh) Verily such is very easy for Allah” . [Al-Hajj/22:70]

2. At-Taqdiirul Basyari (Destiny that happens to humans)

This kind of fate happens to all mankind. Allah SWT will later determine that people will be happy and people will be miserable, depending on their actions and practices.

This is expressed in the Al-Quran surah Al-A’raaf verse 172.

And when your Lord took from the children of Adam from their backs their offspring and made them bear witness against themselves, “Am I not your Lord?” They said, “Yes, we bear witness.” You will say on the Day of Resurrection: Indeed, we were heedless of this.

It means:

“And (remember), when your Lord brought out the descendants of the children of Adam from their sulbi and God took testimony against their souls (saying), Am I not your Lord? They answered, True (You are our Lord), we are witnesses. (We do that) so that on the Day of Resurrection you will not say, Verily we (the Children of Adam) are the ones who are careless about this (the oneness of God).” [Al-A’raaf/7:172]

3. At-Taqdiirul ‘Umri (Destiny that applies to age)

In this destiny, whatever provisions will happen to His creatures, be it life, age, misery, happiness, until the end of death is the decree of Allah SWT. This has been expressed as in the hadith of ash-Sadiqul Mashduq (Prophet Muhammad SAW) in Ibn Mas’ud’s Shahihain, which reads:

Indeed , one of you gathers his creation in his mother’s womb for forty days, then in that there will be a clot like that, then in that there will be a lump of flesh like that. K, then the angel is sent, the spirit is breathed into him, and he is commanded with four words, to write down his livelihood, his term, his work, and whether he is miserable or happy.

Which mean:

“Indeed, one of you was gathered in his mother’s womb for forty days, then he became a clot of blood like that (forty days), then he became a clot of flesh like that, then He sent an Angel to breathe into him, and was commanded ( to write) with four sentences: to write his sustenance, his death, his charity, and his misfortune or happiness. ”[5]

4. At-Taqdiirus Sanawi (Destiny that occurs annually)

In this destiny, it is closely related to the night of Lailatul Qadar which occurs every year, namely in the month of Ramadan. Of course, a night full of blessings is included in the destiny of Allah SWT which cannot be contested by anyone.

This is expressed in the Koran, especially in surah Al-Qadr verses 4-5.

The angels and the spirit descend therein, by the permission of their Lord, for every matter of peace, until the beginning of dawn.

“On that night the angels and also the angel Jibril descended with the permission of their Lord to arrange all affairs. That night was (full of) prosperity until dawn.” [Al-Qadr/97 : 4-5]

5. At-Taqdiirul Yaumi (Destiny that happens daily)

That fate does not only happen annually, but also daily, as long as human life continues. Whether it’s death, life, sustenance, even the rain that will fall has also been determined by destiny.

This is expressed in the Al-Quran, especially surah Ar-Rahmaan verse 29.

Every day is about something

“Every time he is busy. ” [Ar-Rahmaan/55 : 29]

Based on God’s Will and Human Effort

1. Appreciation Mubram

Mubram’s destiny is an absolute provision of destiny from Allah SWT as the creator of the universe and cannot be negotiated, even though humans have asked Him. This type of destiny is closely related to human birth and death. Even the physical appearance of the baby in the womb is also regulated in Mubram’s destiny.

The human destiny that surrounds Mubram’s destiny is the gender of the baby, the baby’s physical characteristics, the time of human death, the human age, soul mate, and so on.

This is expressed in the Al-Quran surah Al-A’raf verse 34.

2. Destined

Muallaq’s fate has a big difference from Mubram’s fate. In Muallaq’s destiny it is a provision of Allah SWT which includes human efforts and endeavors. Indirectly, the efforts and prayers made by humans can undoubtedly change their destiny. Things that can be changed through effort and prayer include one’s goals and dreams, one’s success, and one’s fortune.

Muallaq’s destiny is actually written in Lauhul Mahfuzh, but it can change due to two reasons, namely the prayer that has been prayed by people sincerely and the good deeds that have been done during human life.

  • Prayer , when people pray to God earnestly, God willing, their destiny can change. However, the prayer must be accompanied by maximum effort. This was expressed by the Prophet Muhammad SAW:

“Nothing can resist fate except prayer, and nothing can prolong life except doing good deeds .” (HR. Tirmidhi)

  • Doing good . Through good deeds, whether you believe it or not, you can change human destiny. There are of course many good deeds that can be done, for example friendship, respecting parents, respecting other people, providing compensation to orphans, helping others, and so on.

This is expressed in the Al-Quran surah ar-Radu verse 11

The Wisdom of Believing in Qada’ and Qadar

  1. Train yourself to be grateful to Allah SWT
  2. Stay away from arrogance and despair
  3. Calms the soul
  4. Getting closer to Allah SWT
  5. Getting used to relying on Allah SWT

Examples of Qada’ and Qadar

Qada’ example

  1. The sun rises in the morning, while the moon and stars appear at night.
  2. Human death
  3. Human birth
  4. High tide and low tide times
  5. There are male and female genders

Example of Fate

  1. Shannon has dreams of becoming a director. He is constantly trying and looking for experiences that can be useful for realizing these goals. However, he also did not forget to pray to Allah SWT. After trying for years, he finally succeeded in becoming a director and his films became popular among the public.
  2. Arkie is a student whose intelligence is average. Every time you receive a grade promotion report card, the value is only limited to the KKM. However, because he wanted to enter university via invitation or SNMPTN, he was determined to study so that his report card score would increase. After his struggle and prayers to Allah SWT, he finally succeeded in passing the selection to enter the university.
  3. Awin is someone who was born into a poor family. He even had to be willing to finish school at junior high school (SMP) level. Awin was determined to become rich. He started selling glass chips flavored with his concoction, not forgetting to also pray to Allah SWT so that his sales would always sell well. Finally, after years of struggle, Awin succeeded in becoming a young entrepreneur in the glass chip snack business.

So, that’s an explanation of the various types of destiny and examples. As good Muslims, of course we must always have faith and believe in destiny whatever happens in this life. If Grameds has a wish to make it come true, try seriously and don’t forget to keep praying to Allah SWT for ease

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